Thursday, July 23, 2009

My little ball player

I am still working on baseball stuff. Today I started putting together a DVD / slide show. I am wishing that I had started last week, or last month, or something. But it's that dead line thing. Got a deadline, get it done. Last year one of the dad's mentioned that it would be cute to have pictures of the kids when they were little in the slide show. Great idea, but he mentioned just a few days before the party. So this year, the same boy is on Billy's team so I decided to run with the idea. I asked everyone to submit a few pictures of their little boys to me. Everyone did! Today I finally took the time to round up some of Billy. He's been playing ball for a long time!

This is a picture of him in "Rookie Camp". It was 10 years ago, he had just turned 4 and already had that "don't bug me I'm playin' ball" look. They were so tiny!

He was in rookie camp when he was 5 too. Brian played T-Ball that year. Here are the brothers at the end of the season.

This one was taken the same year, I love how sweet they look...and how proud Billy looks of his big brother.

2001 and he was on a T-Ball team. Things were simpler so many ways.

This is 2002, I think it was machine pitch. I can't remember if it was machine pitch then coach pitch or the other way around....

...I just remember that they were really cute. Some of them didn't know which base to run to. More balls were dropped than caught. But they sure tried hard.

There are lots of rules to learn in baseball! I think that this was 2003. Before my digital camera. Before dates on the files. Before the days of taking way too many pictures.

Now this one I know is in 2004. Taken on May 22, 2004 at 10:17 a.m. I love digital. I love this guys expression.

This was the first year that I did a slide show. It's fun to look at it many years later.

Like I said, life was simpler back then. I could get things done because I wasn't running the boys somewhere all the time. Today one had football, one wanted to go to the mall, there's the dropping off and picking up and getting gas and handing out cash and then there's girls. Sigh. Where'd these little guys go?

But in between the running around I am working on the slide show. The first song is a sweet Kenny Rogers song called "The Greatest". Little boy, in a baseball hat, stands in the field with his ball and bat....

The moms are going to cry...dads might too. I love when that happens. :-) But I have to get it done first! So, bye for now....

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