Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Speeding Along

The final days of summer are speeding along.  Sometimes it feels like the days speed up.  We are busy trying to fit in those things we haven't done yet.  Stopping to smell the flowers when we can.  This is a "naked lady" at my mom's farm.  They were taken from some bulbs that my grandmother had planted at their farm.  Sparkly pink with touches of yellow and blue.  Beautiful flowers.

A rose popped opened in my front yard.  I hadn't been out that way for a few days, so it was a pretty surprise.

Brian and I went clothes shopping to get him a few things for school.  He did well!  OK..I'll admit, some of the things in those bags were mine too.  :-)

I've been busy with work, and busy sorting football photos, and busy putting off my I haven't felt like picking up the big camera.  That's when cell phones come in handy.  We have one week of golf left in our league.  It's been fun, but I'll be glad when the season ends.  Road construction has made the drive to the course not so fun, a new league president has changed things and has now it's been a little different this year.  Lots of pretty nights out there though!

And of course with golf ending soon, the volleyball league registration came today.  The days just keep rolling by.  I hope that you are enjoying these last few days of summer!

August 22, 2011: Blog Post & Photo of the Day

Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Days

Summer days may be longer, but there aren't more hours in them.

Profound, I know.  But it sure seems like we are rushing around trying to fit what we can during these nice summer days.  I haven't been able to keep up with the flower watering this summer, it's showing.

We went to our first Saints game this summer.  These are men in dresses, the "drag queens" that come out and drag the field part way through the game.  Too funny.

The birds have been enjoying the feeders this summer.  Eric takes them in every night and puts them out in the morning because the darned raccoons have been enjoying the feeders too.

This is my frog planter on the side of the house.  I have always liked his expression.

This was the first full moon in August, peaking out of the clouds.  There will be another full moon at the end of the month.  That only happens once in a blue moon... yeah, I know.

Sunflowers in a mason of those wonderful simple things in life.

Billy has been busy with football practices. I am one of the "memory book" volunteers so I've been busy taking football pictures.  They were playing tug-o-war at one of the captains practices.  Fun!

We did spend some time on the river a few weeks ago.  These fisherman tried to get every bit of fishing in that they could before the sun went down.

Eric and I took a quick weekend trip to Bayfield and Washburn, WI to see Greg Brown play at the Big Top.   We stopped at the boat dock in Washburn.  It's fun to see all of the different boats.

We took our time on the way home and played a round of golf on a beautiful day.  The pink ball belongs to me, not Eric.

The next day I spent the day trying to catch up from taking a day off, so I didn't take a picture until late that evening with my cell phone on the ladies league golf course.

This is a cosmos in my front yard.  The cosmos haven't done as well this hot, dry summer either.

This is the same photograph with some texture added to it...sometimes I love textures, sometimes I don't.  I think that it works with this one.

Billy has been playing softball now that baseball is finished.  I'm not sure if he or Eric has been having the most fun with it!

Sometimes the cat is the easiest thing to photograph for the day.  Hi Molly.

Billy was asked to play in a softball tournament.  His older cousin agreed to play a couple of games too...Billy thought that was pretty cool.  This is Billy hitting the ball.

We took a day trip to go to the Almelund Threshing bee.  We spent a lot of time with my brother watching the tractor pull.  It's a lot of fun.

A cosmos.

 Impatiens in a planter in my backyard.

A sad cone flower.

Molly...with a shallow depth of field.  Again, needed an easy target for a busy day.

And last but not least, the football team visiting the residents of the Colony, a local nursing home.  The boys were so good about interacting with the seniors, it was fun to see.  I think that it's something they will remember for a long time.  Billy is number 89 towards the left.

And with that, I'll sign off.  Thanks for stopping by for my random photo posts.  Enjoy these last days of summer, it will be fall before we know it!

August 17, 2011: No Blog Post & Photo of the Day
August 17, 2010: No Blog Post & Photo of the Day

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Flashback Friday

It's flashback Friday...on a Saturday.  Good intentions, too little time.  We are flashing back to August 2004. In 2004 we had more time to go to the cabin.  The boys lives weren't jam packed with activities and friends that they "had" to spend time with.  Here's Brian pointing out some sort of slimy critter in the river bank.

In August of 2004 we took a short camping trip near Duluth.  We camped at Jay Cooke State Park.  The boys were a big help in setting up the campsite.  "Hurry up and give me a stake Billy, I am hot, hungry and tired."  I don't remember Brian saying that, but it's all in the body language!

Billy staking down a corner...

Brian staking down a corner...Eric and I staked down our own corner too.  Gotta keep things fair you know.

Building the fire so we can eat.

It's serious business making S'mores for dessert.

The evening campfire.  I wonder where everyone was hiding?  I wonder why I didn't know anything about camera settings back then?

Breakfast at the campsite.  Fruit Loops, milk and juice....

...unless you are Billy....then it is S'mores.

 On the walking bridge at Jay Cooke State Park.  We heard that this bridge was washed away in the floods this summer.  What a shame.

Enjoying the river.

The boys drove us up a tree.  Not really.  I think Brian took this one of Eric and I.

A stop at Gooseberry Falls.  It's sort of hard to remember being taller than the boys.

The Conquerors!

We had a quick stop in Duluth.  You have to skip stones into Lake Superior you know.

Brian on the shore of Lake Superior.

Billy, Eric and Brian on the shores of Lake Superior.  What a fun trip.  Where has that time gone?

Thanks for coming along on my little flashback Friday...on a Saturday.  I hope you are spending your summer making memories.
Until next time...

August 4th, 2011:  Just Some Photos and Photo of the Day
August 4th, 2010:  Girls Golf Weekend and Photo of the Day
August 4th, 2009:  The County Fair and Photo of the Day