Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Our summer schedules have arrived...oh my goodness....it's going to be a busy few months.

Schedules? Did you schedule in my feeding time? It must be soon. Why don't you get on that about now human.
We've received our schedules for Co-Rec softball, Women's Softball, Men's softball, Brian's soccer and Billy's baseball.

Um...excuse me....I didn't hear "cat feeding time" in all those schedules!
I've been through the schedules, highlighted our games and I just finished typing in all of the schedules into my Outlook Calendar. Oye. I really don't like that "you've got conflicting appointments" message that kept coming up. It means juggling and picking which things to miss and trying to be in two places at once.

Humans and the silly problems that they get themselves into bore me....I can't believe that they would interupt my nap over something that doesn't concern me in the least.
The next step is to sync that calendar to my phone so I can have the schedule with me where ever I am... just in case I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be....or something like that. Then I'll also write it all out on our calendar on the fridge....so everyone else knows where they are supposed to be and when.

I really hope that those humans scheduled in some time to feed me, the wonder cat. If they try to pet me I will certainly show them that I really could care less.
I'm not complaining about the schedule, I love that we're busy and that everyone has their own things to do....it's just that initial shock of seeing it all on paper that is a little overwhelming. It makes me tired to think about it.

At least if they are busy they won't be bugging me, because I really don't like to have my naps interrupted.
It seems like it might be a good time for me to take a little nap. I think I'll find the cat and go lay down for a bit....she loves when we nap with her. She'll probably really miss us these next few months.
Isn't it funny with pets, when you are really in tune with things like I am (HA!), you can almost see what they are thinking.

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