Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not so Typical Saturday

Saturday started out pretty typically. We were waiting for Eric to arrive at home from his golf trip. I was putzing around with a few things, trying to finish them before we left for the farm. I hadn't quite gotten to packing things up, which was a little more complicated since it was Easter weekend and everyone needed to have their dress clothes ready. About the time Eric pulled in the door, the phone rang. It was my mom. She said, "the woods at the farm is on fire. A few of the neighbors have already called it in." What?? Then she said..."I have to go, I'm getting a beep." My mom has call waiting, and when she gets a call she takes it, no matter what. Great. A few minutes later the phone rang again. My mom. She said, "They can't get to the fire with the trucks so they are bringing in a helicopter to drop water. I better go." Click. What??

While I do enjoy our life in the suburbs, my heart and soul has always been at the farm. I really don't like being so far away. By the time I finished packing and getting everyone ready to go, my heart felt like it was in my throat. Not knowing what was going on and knowing that it takes well over an hour to get there seemed almost unbearable. On our drive there, I was finally able to get a hold of my brother...he let me know that the fire was out and not to worry. I don't know what I could have done to help, but still felt like I should have been there.

My mom took some pictures of all the activity. The farm can be accessed from two different roads, the trucks tried to get in from the lower road. The hill is steep there, they didn't exactly know where the fire was in the woods, so I don't think that they ended up going in at this location.

My mom drove up to the upper road, a couple of the trucks were there, blocking the road. They weren't going to let her through, but she explained who she was and that they could access the field and woods from the farm.

Here is a water truck going down the farm road that has pretty much only seen tractors, horses, four wheelers and snowmobiles.

The caravan of fire trucks. They had to go to the far end of the field to get to the fire.

They brought in a helicopter to drop chemicals on the fire. The woods is thick, there are some steep ravines, so they couldn't get at some spots.

They had trucks from 4 neighboring towns. And 4 wheelers. And a helicopter.

The helicopter landed in the field. Not something that you see everyday.

There were a lot of firemen....one with a camera...

...here they are trying to figure out what to do next....except for the one with the camera. That would be me, everyone else is working and I'd be taking pictures. If I was there that is. :-)

The helicopter. They dropped chemicals twice I think.

This is an older 6 wheel drive fire truck. It came in handy when the local boys tried to drive down one of the snowmobile trails in the woods that has a really wet, muddy spot. The 6 wheel drive pulled it out.

This truck drove in further than I would have. The hill is really steep here.

They had water tanks, they had rakes, they kept the fire from spreading too far.

A few downed trees burned.
But it was mostly the leaves and junk that covered the floor of the woods....and one whole field.

Eric, the boys and I hiked up there as soon as we arrived. The firemen were gone, there were a few smoldering logs. There was a melted turkey hunting blind on the neighbors property, just on the border. They'll have a surprise when they come to hunt again.

One "expert" decided that the fire must have spontaneously started in a brush pile at the edge of my dads field. Umm...since the wind was blowing the opposite way I don't think he was right.

It sure looked like it started in the ravine on the neighbors property, and spread from there. The fact that he had a fire going to boil down maple sap makes me think that maybe a spark flew from that and got things going. A lot of land was burned, but no real damage was done. The woods should be greener than ever if spring ever comes.

This is a little corner of the field that was burned. There were still a few logs smoldering and smoking....the boys put those out in the way that only boys can do. They are lucky that I'm not sharing those pictures!

This is one of my favorite spots on the farm. I love the view....even during this time of the year. It's amazing in the fall.

Same view only with some handsome guys....and a couple of dogs.

A little closer. Eric was standing in a rut...Billy hasn't passed him yet!

A piggy back ride down the hill. They let their hair down in the country when no one is lookin'. :-)

A lot of excitement, and some regrets for being so far away, but all is well. I even got to sit on the porch and watch the moon come up.

The moon shines a little brighter when your heart and your soul are finally home.

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