Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Traditions

Holiday traditions that draw us together.

Holiday meanings that center our souls.

This year marked the 30th time that I celebrated Easter in the little Methodist Church on the hill with Eric. I can't imagine being anywhere else on Easter Sunday.
The sun was shining on the choir as they sang...what a beautiful sight and sound. Eric and his Mom both were in the makes it more special somehow. The sermon was especially powerful that day....good timing with the church being nearly full.

Back in 2006 our little family took a picture in front of the window at the church....and a tradition was born. Want to see my family grow?? Brian and I were almost the same height.

By Easter of 2007 he had passed me up....and Billy wasn't far behind.

In 2008 Billy was quickly gaining on me, and Brian was almost as tall as Eric.

2009 and Brian is taller than his Dad, Billy has almost caught him too, and I've been left in the dust....3 short years and they passed me up. Don't notice that the boys have the same shirts on as last year...they've just been growing up, not out. I have to say it's strange being the shortest one in the family. I'm not used to that!

As strange as it is for me, it must be really strange for my Mom to have grandsons that are so tall. Grandpa Pete would be smiling about that!

They've shot above Grandpa Bill too. Four handsome "Young" men.

The boys looked so handsome and so grown me anyway...but they're still the boys that they've always been. They were asked to help out by taking some table leaves back to Barb and Bill's house from the church.

Brian pretty much had it covered, but Billy wanted to help....

...instead of handing one leaf over to Billy, they decided to work together.

It probably wasn't the most efficient way to handle the job, but it sure was cute. And it sure was nice to watch them happy and smiling and getting along and working together.

It makes a mama proud. I think this guy was pretty proud too....and probably a little wistful thinking about all those walks home from church that he took with his brother and sister. Happy and smiling about just spending time together. Traditions like that need to be kept.

I hope that your Easter weekend was filled with family and celebration.

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