Friday, February 20, 2009

Birds and Horses

This little horse is my photo of the day. It's one of three glass ornaments that hang in the computer room. And to be honest, the main reason that I took a photo of it is because I had been busy working, realized that it was almost dark...again...the camera was sitting there, I was sitting there and the ornament was there. Seemed like reason enough to me! I actually really like how it turned out. One of the things that I like is how the roof of the neighbors house frames the bottom of the ornament. Sometimes it's ok to be lazy. :-) Isn't it??

OK...on to the farm. I know that I've shown pictures of them before, but I really like watching the birds at the farm...and I like trying to capture them in photos. are a bunch of bird pictures....scroll through them fast if you're bored. It's OK....isn't it?

These are gold summer they will be a bright lemon yellow. Bet you can't wait for pictures of that! Can you?

And one of my favorite birds...the Chickadee.

You can always tell when Spring is coming by their song. Their songs change with the seasons.

If you hear a bird singing Chick-a-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee....that would be the Chickadee. Bet you didn't know I was that smart did you?

Aren't they cute? Whoop....where is this one off to?

It was pretty cold the day these were taken...I was worried about their cute little feet. Couldn't they stick to the aluminum cable? Well couldn't they?

This one is a nuthatch. I like them because they are upside down a lot. Sort of like my thinking...upside down, all mixed up.

This one is a female Downy Woodpecker. I get them mixed up with Hairy Woodpeckers sometimes...Hairy is bigger and has a bigger beak. Did you know that?

This is a red bellied woodpecker. Sometimes I get him mixed up with a Flicker. I get mixed up a lot.

There are a couple of bird brains that I like at the farm too. Skylar, he's sort of ornery and kind of aloof sometimes. He's my favorite. I suppose that says something about me that I don't want to know.

And then there is Czar. He's a character. He's very curious. When we're out riding he'd rather spend his time looking around than walking. He decided to check out my gloves this day.

Ummm.....tasty. He liked them....until I told him that they were made out of horse hide and that he'd better watch it. I'm kind of ornery like that other guy. Hmm.

And this is Murphy. He spends a lot of time wondering why no one is petting him every minute. Maybe if those darned birds and horses and people weren't around he'd get some attention...maybe.

In the meantime, he'll just wait and watch. He knows that I can't ignore that sad face for too long! Could you?

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