Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ice Globes

Making ice globes....cold weather fun...sort of. What's an ice globe you ask?? It's a frozen globe that you can put a candle in to dress up your front step or sidewalk or whatever.

What you need:

Below freezing weather.

Some balloons...any color....these are 12".

Water. Using the kitchen sink is easier, unless of course you have dishes in it like I did today...then the bathroom sink works just fine.

Hold the top of the balloon unless you like to get sprayed when the balloon slips off.

Fill to whatever size seems right...not too full or it will pop when it freezes....not too small or you won't be able to fit a candle inside.

Tie the balloon and bring it outside to freeze.

These 4 look pretty innocent....but then when I went to check on them look what I found... escapee. Somehow it tried to get away...slid off the back steps and into the yard all on it's own. How'd it do that??

I gave it a poke and told it to stay put. Actually I was checking to see if they had started to freeze hadn't.

Six hours later I brought in one of the balloons. It wasn't quite ready but I didn't want to wait. You have to bring them in before they are frozen through, then you dump out the water in the center and use the hollow spot to place your candle.

See...not quite done...but it still should work.

Dump out the water, bring it outside, add a votive or tea light and you've got your very own Ice Globe.

Just a side careful if your hands are wet from the globe and you try to open your aluminum storm might stick...not that it happened to me or anything....nope....not me.

Cheap winter fun. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look out Martha Stewart! I have a feeling you are going to get more out of this over the year than you expect.