The other day when I was on my way home from a walk, as I neared an intersection that I needed to cross, a large SUV came rushing up to the stop sign. The driver barely slowed down and then blew on threw the intersection without stopping. We live in a family neighborhood, near an elementary school, lots of kids around...not a good place to be speeding. I was glad that I was paying attention enough not to have stepped into the intersection assuming that this car would stop at the
STOP sign. It scared me! OK, people are in a hurry, there are bad drivers every where...that isn't actually the point of this. The thing that struck me about this bad driver was that the SUV had personalized plates. Plates that stated: WWJD1234. I don't remember the actual numbers that followed, but the "What Would Jesus Do" really caught my eye. Ummm....I don't think that Jesus would be driving a big SUV. I don't think Jesus would be speeding through a family neighborhood. I don't think that Jesus would nearly run over a middle aged woman and her dog on a cold winter day. I found it sort of disturbing that this person was advertising thynself as a Christian.
Day 22 photo ~ the hibiscus in my living room.But then I started thinking about it. Maybe it wasn't a statement about their beliefs after all. Maybe they were actually acknowledging that they are a really bad driver and likely to cause an accident or road rage. Maybe their personalized plate was actually a plea to the other drivers on the road and the pedestrians in the crosswalks to consider WWJD when dealing with
them. So that's what I did. "Father forgive them because they obviously don't have a clue." Amen. :-)
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