Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Winter Walk

I usually don't have too much trouble coming up with ideas...whether it's an idea about a design I'm working on, an idea of how to get out of cleaning, an idea about something to create, something to do, whatever. Granted, they aren't always good ideas...but still, there's usually something there to work with. Well, today was one of those days where the ideas just weren't coming. Sort of a blah day....and I have some designs I have to get done. Too many distractions. Days that aren't long enough to give me enough sunshine. Something. So I decided to do the one thing that almost always helps. I took a nice long walk. The first thing I got to see was a really cool sky. There is a walking / biking trail near my house that is built on a railroad bed. There is something special about walking there. It's peaceful, it's safe, it's usually pretty quiet. I especially like how it is a seemingly endless path. It gives your mind a lot of room to wander.
Penny love, love, loves walks. Hurry up, put that camera down and walk...come on!
This is the path heading towards the East. As I'm walking the ideas usually start flowing. Can't you just imagine being on a train heading to parts far away? Heading East, maybe to Boston or New York or maybe even Washington D.C. where so many changes are happening in our country. Heading East towards the future.
This is the view to the West. How far does it go? Can't you just imagine being in a different era...heading to California and the gold rush, or to big ranches, cowboys, Indians, train robbers.....oops....there I go. They might be weird, but the ideas are flowing again. And you know, the day isn't feeling so blah anymore.
Part of it is the fresh air, the exercise, the sunlight, the silly dog that loves to be anywhere I'll take her. How can it not help with clearing my head for ideas? Unless of course it's not really that ideas are flowing....
...maybe I'm actually hallucinating from lack of oxygen because I'm out of shape. That's probably it. But it sure is better than feeling blah!

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