Sunday, January 3, 2010

Same stuff, different year

Blogging on in 2010. I wasn't sure that I'd do my photo a day again for this year, I was pretty un-inspired by the end of last year. Part of it has been battling with my hasn't been doing what I want it to do again...but I'm going to keep trying.

I wasn't sure that I'd continue with my blog for 2010. But then what would I do with my photo of the day? So I'm going to keep trying.

I haven't decided if I'm going to take a new direction with the blog or not, but for now I'll just keep on posting when I can, or when I'm inspired....hah. I am cooking up a few new ideas for the blog. I'm still thinking about life goals and plans for this next year. I just need a nice quiet space and time to really think about it. Maybe tomorrow.
So for today I'm just posting my first three photos of the year. And trying to stay warm when it's dang cold outside. Baby steps....but steps of any kind are better than none.

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