I was going to post our Halloween 2009 pictures yesterday, but was feeling sort of lazy and spent my day basically doing this....GO VIKINGS! They are having quite the year.

When there was all the hype about
Favre coming here I thought, oh great, an old beat up guy at quarterback. Now I am seeing a great leader with a huge heart...showing passion for competing and for the game....but more importantly a compassion for his team. A few weeks ago he was shown sprinting down the field to check on an injured team mate. Yesterday they showed him hovering over a former team mate to make sure that he was
OK after a hard fall....a former team mate that happened to be his opponent at the time....in a stadium where he was booed when he entered. Brett...you'd look good in any jersey because of what's inside your heart, but I do think purple is a great color for you!
OK...on to Halloween. Brian was Forest
Gump this year. That giant suit that Billy wore a couple of years ago fits Brian to a tee. His accent is hysterical. "I am Forest, Forest
Gump." "My
mamma says that life is like a box of
lates, you never know what you're going to
ge-at." Brian went to a Halloween party with his friends, here he is with Alec...or
ummm...."Dog, the bounty Hunter."

Billy was dressed up as a 70's
hippie. He went Trick or Treating with his friend Andrew. Andrew was a pizza delivery man. The top of the pizza box opened and the candy could be dropped into a hole in the bottom of the box, falling into a bag at the bottom. It was a cool costume! Are my boys Amazon children or what? Billy is a tall lanky boy as it is, when he put on that darned wig he looks like he's about 8 feet tall! They are both just over 6 feet...crazy.

Eric and I went to a Halloween party too. I decided to be a Gypsy fortune teller. I even had a Hannah Montana magic 8 ball to tell fortunes with.....that I forgot on our counter on the way out the door. Oops. I probably couldn't have read the crazy thing with my bifocal contacts anyway.

Eric went as Vikings coach Brad
Childress. This was just a quick picture as we were leaving...his costume was more complete with his Vikings hat and game planning sheet to hold in front of his face.

I copied this picture from a friends
facebook page...it shows Eric in his full get-up. Pretty good likeness! He had all kinds of crazy plays and game plans listed on his sheet. Lots of laughs. He's pictured here with our good friend Sarah who is dressed as the
Octomom....complete with the big
pouting lips and 8 babies in her sling. Hilarious. She got her babies at the Dollar store....8 babies, 8 bucks....who knew?

Halloween 2009.....I'd say that a good time was had by all. Vikings vs. Packers wasn't half bad either.
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