The sun came out for a little while today...oh did it ever feel wonderful. Funny how much more a person appreciates something when it's been missing for a while. I ventured out and bought a few mums today.

In honor of the sunshine. Well, mostly because I didn't want to go out yesterday when it was raining. I went to a little local farmers market. I thought it would be good to buy my mums from them to support the local guys.

Then I saw their prices. My intentions were good, they really were, but I just couldn't justify spending that kind of money on plants that won't last much more than a month.

So I decided to try Cub foods instead. much better. Two 1 1/2 gallon pots for $12.99. And one giant yellow mum for $11.99. I would have gotten another one but the back of my Jeep was full of softball stuff, baseball stuff and mums!

Since I had saved such a bundle I decided to get a couple of pumpkins too. $3.98 each. That I can do. The older I get the less I like to spend money. Especially on things that don't last...and on junk that I don't need.

They say that when you've been married a long time you start to act more like your spouse....I think that my shopping for the fun of it days are numbered. Wonder what Eric is picking up from me? If he starts wearing a pony tail we are in trouble.
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