My blog seems to have taken a back seat to just about everything else lately. First I was busy, then I had to
recuperate from being busy. But now I'm back. Here's a quick recap of our weekend.
On Friday evening we went to watch the High School football game. So did this dog. Wonder if he had to buy a ticket??

The boys go to a big school, with a big football team, lots of cheerleaders and dancers and band members and lots of excitement.

They played
Rosemount High School...another school with a big football team. There were football players everywhere. The home team was behind for a big part of the game...but then they caught up...and then they went ahead....and then they won....

....and then the sun went down. And that's all I have to say about that.

Saturday morning we headed North to the cabin. Eric's sister Amy and her husband Denny were there, visiting from Oregon. It was unseasonably warm, we went for a boat ride.

When we were on the river we saw this guy. He was sort of sitting and sort of skiing behind a boat...

....and then
wheee.....he was flying behind the boat!
How'd he do that?

What goes up on the river comes down with a splash!

Whoosh....he was having too much fun. They came past us a few times during our little trip up the river. He even did a full flip as they went by. Crazy.

These guys went for a little boat trip on the river too. Brian in the back, Billy in the front of the canoe. What a beautiful day.

After the trip on the river we were joined by more family. Here's cousin Becca sitting between the boys.

And then it was time for the bonfire. There was a big hollow stump that needed to burn. The guys dropped it on top of the fire....and whoosh....the flames leaped up through the hole in the log. It was a great fire.

A good time was had by all. Here are Bill and Denny in the glow of the fire.

We headed home late Saturday night. Sunday was soccer at noon for Brian and Baseball at noon for Billy. The family came down for part of Brian's game, came to our house for lunch and the Vikings game, and then filled the bleachers to watch Billy's 4:00 baseball game. Did I mention it was sort of a busy weekend?

One of the mom's brought their pet bunny to the game, my mom had fun holding it and petting it. I didn't realize that a rabbit could be such a mellow pet. Our cat Molly could take a lesson or two from that
wascally wabbit.

Here's the mom, Eric's dad Bill, Eric, Eric's sister Amy, Billy, Eric's mom Barb, Denny, Dan and our friend Bob.

A wonderfully busy weekend...filled with warm sunny days and family. It doesn't get much better than that.
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