Fall is in the air. It should be since it is almost October in Minnesota...but for a while it didn't seem like it was coming. We've had a fairly cool and very dry summer, and then a really warm Fall. I'm confused. The plants are confused too.

My roses have been budding, but don't really
blossom....it's ok, they are still pretty.

I don't have a lot of cosmos this year, but I sure love the ones I do have.

I've been taking a lot of flower pictures for my photo of the day lately, just because I know they won't be here much longer. We had frost on our roof this morning. Glad that I got my hibiscus plant back inside in time!

The asters and mums are blooming. But the trees really haven't started turning colors yet...much later than normal!

Billy's playing Fall baseball on Sundays. Their jersey's are yellow, not the typical Eden Prairie red or black...I like it, it seems sort of, well,

Brian has a couple of weeks of fall soccer left. He's been playing goalie a little bit....and doing a pretty good job at it!

And then there is football. What says Fall more than football? Billy is having a lot of fun with it this year.
How'd my boys get so big?

I did find a couple of nice maples last weekend...this last picture says that Fall is really truly coming, maybe it's already here....

...saying goodbye to September and hello to October pretty much seals the deal.
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