Day 2 - We woke up early, at 6:00 a.m. in time to see a beautiful sunrise. We had survived our first night of sleeping on the ground in a tent. The air was crisp and cold. Cowboy coffee, fried eggs, french toast, bacon and O.J. for breakfast started the morning right. After breakfast the wranglers went out and rounded up our horses. Here's my dad with "Sporty" before the morning ride.
We headed out for a 3 hour ride to the breath-taking Half Moon box canyon. It was an awesome morning to ride, cool air, wispy clouds and wide open spaces. We weren't looking for cattle, we were just out to see the sights and get used to our horses. It felt like a little piece of heaven.
I turned around and took this picture of the posse. It really did feel like a step back in time.

Something about that watering hole also felt like we had taken a step back in time. See the little point and shoot camera around my neck? It did the trick at the time...but I sure wish I could go back there with the camera I have now!

The canyon was beautiful, but the pictures really don't do it justice. Tall rock cliffs and big pines. The trail followed a dried up creek bed. We came out of the canyon on this pretty, rustic trail.
Still smiling after almost 3 hours in the saddle...and our day was just beginning.
My dad got scratched from a branch. We decided to tell people that it was from a cougar. No one believed him. :-)
Back to the wide open spaces, heading back to the ranch for lunch.
Dad and I riding side by side, in Montana. It doesn't get much better than that.
Dad with his ever present toothpick.
Let's go "Roany" I'm hungry enough to eat a horse and you wouldn't want it to be you!
A big lunch of Polish Sausage and chips for the hungry cowboys. Then it was time to get saddled up and actually do some work. We had to go up into the timber to look for the steers. The ride was steep and tight in the trees in some spots.

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