Friday, April 24, 2015


Spring has been trying to arrive here.  We've had some nice warm days.  Days where you can envision that there will be tulips blooming outside before too long.

I love tulips, mostly because they are such a sign of spring!

April showers bring May flowers.

Flowers like tulips!

WHAT!?!  I don't think that the April showers bringing May flowers includes snow showers!  Big flaky snow flowers!  Almost white out snow showers!  Yikes.

But the good news is that the snow melted quickly.  And added some good moisture to the soil.

And the Scylla are blooming at the farm...another sure sign of spring.

And pretty sunsets that are looking a little warmer every day.

Yep, spring is on it's way, snow showers or not!  I hope that the days are pretty where you are!  Thanks for stopping by.

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