Friday, May 21, 2010


Apparently May is a busy month for our family. The first weekend in May Brian had prom and my nephew Isaac graduated from college. Last weekend, our youngest son Billy was Confirmed. This coming weekend we're celebrating Eric's dad's birthday....and then it's Memorial Day weekend and summer begins!

We belong to the Eden Prairie United Methodist Church. The Confirmation program there is shorter than at a lot of churches....Billy's lasted one school year. When Brian was Confirmed, his class met for a full year. It seems to be a nice amount of time. They get the education they need without being turned off from going for too long. Here are a few shots from Billy's Confirmation.

There are two services at the church each Sunday. The Confirmation kids went to both with a small reception in between services. The actual Confirmation was at the 2nd service. During the first service the Confirmation kids led the children's sermon. They each told about something that they did for Confirmation. Billy told about serving a meal at the Simpson Shelter and how it made him feel to help people in need.

Another part of the Children's Sermon was that they were asked to stand on this box to learn about working together. Billy's job was to bring the box to front of the alter area. When he stood up we all heard the ripping of his robe! Oops! The stitching at the bottom of the zipper ripped out a bit. I guess it didn't occur to me to teach the boys how to get up off the floor when wearing a gown!

It was just the stitching, easy to repair...I wish that I had gotten a picture of the look on his face when it ripped!

The confirmation class was pretty small with only 10 kids. The lighting wasn't very good for taking pictures. I was trying not to be obnoxious with taking pictures during church so I didn't stand up to get a better shot of the group....please ignore the large head in the front of the picture!

Here is Billy with my mom, Eric's dad and Eric's mom at the reception. It was a wonderful day, but also one that brought back some sad memories. Brian was Confirmed 1 1/2 years ago, the day after my dad passed away. We weren't sure what to do at the time, but decided that it was important for Brian to be Confirmed with his class. It was hard, but I'm glad that we went through with it. Needless to say, thoughts of that day were a part of this one as well.

But it was a day to honor Billy, and we did.

We only got one group shot at the church, Brian was blinking and the focus wasn't the best...but it's a wonderful reminder of the day just the was it is.

A family picture out in front of the church.

Billy and Brian with my mom.

Billy and Brian with Bill and Barb.
Billy and Brian with our friend Bob. I think Bob is wondering when he shrunk....crazy growing boys!

After church we came to our house for lunch, after lunch the grandparents, Eric and I went to the Arboretum to enjoy some flowers. It was a perfect day. I'll post some flower pictures tomorrow. Have a happy weekend!

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