Thursday, April 1, 2010

Out Front and Molly

The view out front hasn't changed very much, but the weather sure has been unseasonably nice! Upper 70's both yesterday and today. It's been warm and dry that the flood warnings have changed into fire danger warnings. Crazy. Things are trying to get green...a little rain and I think things will take off! A month ago it was it's bare toes.

The delphiniums are coming up. It would be nice if this weather would stay, but it's supposed to start turning tomorrow.

For now, Molly has been enjoying the warm breeze coming through the opened windows. She sits, she looks, she naps, and then she looks some more.

Molly....what do you see out there??

....oh, it's a red bird in the tree. Hello mister cardinal.

Molly....hey can't get that bird, there is a screen between you!

Molly, I have some more bad news for know that nice opened window you are sitting in??

Tomorrow it's going to be closed! No more window sitting for you....

.....NOOOOO! Hey cat, no crying....and don't yell at me, blame the weather guy! Sheesh.

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