Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Reason for the Season

A Christmas tree, a snow village, twinkly lights inside and out...all a part of the Christmas decorations. All a part of special times and special memories. But the most special decorations for me are the ones that remind me of the reason for the season. The reason we are preparing to celebrate. I have three Nativity sets out this year...I didn't find an open space for the 4th one that I have. This picture is a part of the Willow Tree set that I have.

How can so much expression and feeling be depicted on figures that don't have faces? They are simple, and beautiful and tell the story of what all this preparation is about. And they are a reminder to me to slow down, to enjoy, and that simple is best.

The best gift we can give is our love. How simple is that. What a beautiful season this is.

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