Saturday, March 24, 2012

March Photos

When I look at this picture of the little junco in the snow it seems like it was taken SO long ago.  Sure, it was 2 1/2 weeks ago, but our scenery has changed so much from then!  

We went from slushy snow to green grass and budding trees almost overnight.  I haven't been very good about taking note of the things I'm grateful for, so I'm just doing one to cover the last few weeks.  I'm grateful for the weather.  Beautiful early spring, a record of 8 days over 70 degrees in Minnesota...and it's only the 24th.  Ahhh.

 We went to the boys High School Hockey State Tournament earlier this month.  Some good games, some chippy games, but it's always fun.  I think it was warmer outside than in the hockey arena.

 Between periods of some games they bring out the "little chippers"  Peewee hockey players sponsored by a local potato chip company.  They are so cute...and it was fun to see so many with pony tails this year. Go Girls!  The hockey pictures are cell phone photos, I didn't feel like bringing the real camera to the games.

 The birds have been singing with the return of spring.  The robins have been back for a few weeks.  The finches are starting to turn into their pretty colors.

 We took a quick trip to the farm on a Sunday.  There was still snow on the hills on March 11th.  The horses were soaking up the sun.

 Someone is looking at you!

 I bought myself some spring flowers at the grocery store.  Yellow gerbera daisy and white daisies.

 Brian was home for spring break.  It was so good to have him home.  His freshman year is speeding by...for us anyway!  Time moves slower when you are in your teens.  He'll be done with his first year in less than 6 weeks.

 I switched my flowers from one big vase to two ball jars.  That way I can have flowers in more rooms.  I like that!

I bought some lilies last week...a celebration for another 5 lbs gone.  Pounds gone, fragrant flowers on my table.  Win win.  Celebrating little victories.

 I took another trip to the farm last week, the horses had an appointment with the farrier.  We are fortunate to have a good farrier in the neighborhood now.  Skylar's hooves grow crazy fast.  My horses get regular pedicures, I've never had one.  Things that make you go hmmmmm.

 On Saturday we were took a few minutes to enjoy watching the eagles on the river.  There were 15 eagles in one spot!  Some mature adults with their bald heads and white tails, some mottled brown, some were smaller.  Nice to see that they are making such a comeback.

 On Sunday we took a trip to Winona to bring Brian back to school.  The sun set behind us, I took a photo of it in the rear view mirror.  I miss having him at home!

 Here's some proof of the warm weather...leaves budding on my lilac bush.

 The gerbera still blooming but starting to wilt.

 I made myself some jewelry last week.  Dragonfly earrings and a bracelet for spring.

 A molting gold finch on a wet, rainy day.

 I tossed the gerbera, but the daisies still look nice.  I have this bouquet in my office to brighten the room.  When you crop things the right way the stacks of papers don't show.

 Baseball try-outs for Billy were last's nerve wracking for all of us...but they are done, he made it, and we are looking forward to baseball this spring!

 And with that, I think I'm all caught up...until next time.  Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you are having a Happy Spring!

March 24, 2011: Winter Returns & Photo of the Day
March 24, 2010: Out Front Part 2 & Photo of the Day 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Springy else can you describe an early March day in Minnesota where the temperatures are in the upper 50's?  59 degrees in Minneapolis!  We still have some snow on the ground, but another day or two like this and that will be long gone.  Come on spring!

Last week I mentioned that Billy had been going to his friend Maverick's swim meets.  On Saturday he went to the State Meet finals.  His friend won one individual race, took 2nd in another race and his team placed first in two relays.  Our school won the meet by over 100 points.  Crazy.  Here is one of the signs that Billy brought.

Here are all the signs.  They must be why the team did so well. Really.  Or not.  Billy had fun with it anyway!

While Billy was at the swim meet Eric and I went shopping and then out to dinner.  An actual date.

Our shopping trip was to Toys R' Us.  We haven't been there in quite a few years....but see, this little sweetie Avery was having a birthday party and we had to find something fun.  We weren't the ones that got her the scooter...we got her a little golf set.  Hopefully she'll like it as much as the scooter!

She is as cute and as precious as her mom was at that age.

I was a little busy with work stuff on Monday, didn't have time to pick up the house before the cable guy came to fix our cable woes.  I'm sure that he's seen worse, but I hate it when people are working in the house and it looks like a bunch of animals live here.

I'm grateful that it's fixed though.  We pay so much for the service that the TV's and Internet and phone had better be working.  We sure took it for granted when TV reception was free.  Progress?

Back to the spring like warm day here today.  The cat found her favorite spot in the sun on Billy's unmade bed to take a nap in the sun.  He says he doesn't like to make his bed because the cat likes to make a nest in the bunched up covers.  True...but it's just one of the reasons it does look like a bunch of animals live here.

It's warm out and the sun is shining...sounds like a pretty good reason not to sweat the small stuff.

And cable're right...a bunch of animals do live here!  I'm just the zoo keeper.  Hope you are enjoying a warm day where you are!  Thanks for stopping by.

March 6, 2011:  Hello March & Photo of the Day
March 6, 2010:  Molly & Photo of the Day
March 6, 2009: My Rocket Boys & Photo of the Day

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Busy Day

I didn't expect to have a busy day, but somehow it ended up being pretty darned busy.  A couple of jobs came in that I wasn't planning on and I had to get some signs made for Billy before the big swim meet!  Billy's friend Maverick is on the High School swimming team, swimming well, breaking pool records, having fun, and Billy is one of his most loyal fans.  I've been helping Billy make signs though out the season, and since this is the weekend of the State Tournament we had to get some new ones made!  Well, my jobs took longer than I thought, and of course when I was printing the signs my printer ran out of magenta ink.  Argh.  The things that were supposed to be red were yellow, and the black letters were green.   Oh no!

I made a few adjustments to the files to make the black darker and found a red marker to color in the parts that were supposed to be red...and we were ready to go.  The picture is of one of the older signs, not the hand colored one.  Billy picked up his friend Kristie, and off we went to the U of M to watch the swimmers swim, to cheer them on and to hold up signs.  The boys swam well, there will be a lot of them in the finals tomorrow, including Billy's friend Mav.

 I don't think that they could have done it without the signs...or their number one fan.  Well, I guess it might be because of all the hours of practice that they put in and their talent, but I'm not going to tell Billy that.  I'm saying it's because of the signs!  Go Eagles!

March 2, 2011:  No Blog Post & Photo of the Day
March 2, 2010:  Perspective & Photo of the Day

Thursday, March 1, 2012

In Like a Lamb

February ended with a slushy storm here in Minnesota,. Then, March came in like a lamb.  Does that mean it will go out with a lion?  I guess we'll have to wait a month and see.  It was a cloudy day here, but my grocery store tulips brightened my kitchen.

I used to post a Note of Gratitude for each day around here.  I'm going to try to get back to that.  I should have come up with something a little more exciting for their return, but it's the little things that I try to not take for granted and to be grateful for.

Tonight it's volleyball.  A 9:15 game, which I sometimes grumble about because it feels so late.  But I don't have to play, I get to play, and I truly am grateful for that.  I hope you are enjoying your day where you are.  Thanks for stopping by.

March 1, 2010: No Blog Post & Photo of the Day
March 1, 2009: Wee What? & Photo of the Day