I can only say "Happy Leap Day" every four years, so I figured I had better blog today just so I could say it. Do you know anyone with a birthday on leap day? I don't think I do. Eric's cousin was married on leap day, I think that this is about their 5th anniversary after 20 years of marriage.
On to my post. Another bunch of random daily photos. This is Eric when he walked in the door after work. Flash...hi honey, welcome home! And yes, he's usually smiling.
Here's Penny looking at me through the window. She wants to go out, she wants to come in, she wants to go out...you get the picture. She's been much happier and more peppy after her round of antibiotics. Silly old dog.
I love my male cardinals. I saw a robin in the back yard last week. Spring must be coming! The rain and then snow we had last night might slow down it's arrival though. Shucks.
We took a quick trip to the farm last week. I got to hug my ponies for a few minutes...it was a good day.
It was snowing / raining here a little bit last week. I hadn't gotten around to taking a photo until in the evening. This is a pine branch at night with just the light from the garage door shining on it. Uninspired, I know.
Hello Mr. Cardinal...you need to thank Eric for keeping your feeder full on all those days where I forget to fill it...that would be most of the time.
The gold finches are starting to turn just a little bit yellow. Another sign that spring might come.
I got to celebrate another five pounds lost with flowers. I love these fragrant lilies almost as much as I love chocolate cake. But no cake for me, so flowers it is.
White lilies and stargazers. My house smells so nice. And my jeans fit a lot better. Win win.
Billy's basketball team wrapped up it's season last weekend. The boys did well. They won on Friday by one point with 4 seconds left. They won another close one on Saturday to make it into the Sunday championship game.
They lost the Championship, but I'd say that 2nd place isn't half bad! I took lots of pictures on Saturday and Sunday...and then posted them on Billy's facebook page for his teammates. I love taking pictures, and like the sorting and editing...but man it takes a lot of time.
By the time I was finished the last thing that I wanted to do was to take another picture! So I didn't...until we got to the grocery store later that evening. Cell phone photo...it counts. Sometimes it seems like my cell phone camera does better with it's automatic settings in bad light than my good camera. Anyway, grocery store flowers...what should I pick?
Tulips of course! Purple and yellow. Hello my pretties. A touch of spring before the big storm hit.
First it rained. Then it snowed. It was heavy and wet. A big branch from our willow tree fell right on our fence. Luckily it didn't do much damage. I got up early and went for a walk. I was the first one to take the trail near our house. A winter wonderland. The road less traveled. Something...it sure was pretty though.
And now that it's snowed, it can melt and spring can come. I'm ready for it. How about you?