Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snowy Day

We were planning on heading to the farm today, but it snowed quite a bit last night so we decided to put off our trip until tomorrow.  It wasn't that we couldn't go, it just didn't make sense to risk the drive when we didn't have to.  But that meant we had an unexpected snow day!  Well, it felt like a snow day anyway.  I love days like this, they feel like a gift.  I wandered outside and took a few pictures.  I'll let them do the talking.

The view from my front step.

The little bird bath in my front garden, it's probably about 14" across, and maybe 24" tall.  The piles of snow are partly from the sidewalk and the driveway, but it's well over knee deep in the back yard.

A closer look.

I forgot to undecorate the tree tops on the front step...they are pretty with the snow though!

 Snow clinging to the river birch in the front yard.

Snow in the pines.

Just a little snowy sparkle.

Pretty pines.

Cone flower in the backyard garden.

I love that the snow piled on top of them too!

Pine boughs and sparkle.

Happy snow dog!

I had filled the feeder, but the cardinal wanted to eat the seeds on the ground.

He had some digging to do!

We have some digging out to do too.  I hope that you have a warm place to wait out the storm.  Happy Saturday!  Thanks for stopping by!

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