I got a new phone! I'm blogging later in the day today because I spent my normal blogging time playing with my new phone. Did I mention that I got a new phone? I like to be able to check my email when I'm away from home....need to during the work week...but just plain like to other times. My last phone was supposed to have email access, but it was really hit or miss. I'd be able to log in often enough to get my hopes up that it would work the next time...it usually didn't. Or I'd be able to log in, see the message titles and then not be able to read the message....argh. Error after error. There were many, many times when the phone almost went sailing out the car window. I think Eric got tired of my complaining...so we researched....decided to stay with T-Mobile...and got this sweet little thing for me. It's the G1. It can pretty much do anything. I can even hook it up to my laptop for internet access.
When we first were looking at the phones, this sassy young sales girl sized us up and said, "umm, this would really be a whole lot of phone for you" with a tone that said you won't ever be able to figure it out. Thanks sweety, but I have figured it out just fine. I've synced up my calendar, added pictures, songs and even created my own ring tone. Now, if I could just get these bi-focal contacts to work to read the numbers, I might be able to use the darned thing.
With teenaged boys in the house, we also adding unlimited texting to their phones. Billy is pumped about it, Brian doesn't think he'll use it. You just never know.
On to other things. It got really warm today! My phone shows me the temperature, the radar, it gave me a fire danger warning today....I didn't know what that warning sign was....maybe it is too much phone for me. Anyway, back to the warm day...my car said 90 at around 5:00 pm....it wasn't right, but it sure looked strange! And just in one day, look what popped up in my yard....
...a beautiful yellow wildflower. It must be summer.
And don't tell me that it's a weed...because then I'd have to pull them....and for now I'd rather just enjoy the color and call it a flower.
Well, I have to go and text the boys and tell them to clean their rooms....see....my phone really can do everything! Now, if I could just remember where I left it....
Enjoy your day.