Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Outa Here!

It's been so cold, and wet, and dreary here in Minnesota...winter has lingered on and on and last night, when Brian and Eric were at the Wild game, and Billy was overnight at a friends house and they left me all by my poor self....I booked a red eye flight to Florida and left!

See, here I am at the beach, watching the birds swirl over head just before sunrise.

I love watching the birds at the ocean. They run along on their cute little legs, and skitter to get away as the waves come in.

The warm sea air. The sand. The salt. Who can blame me for fleeing this frozen tundra for a sunrise on the beach.

The sound of the waves crashing in. The sounds of the birds. The beautiful light reflecting on the water.

The subtle colors where the water and the sky join as the sun comes up. I wonder how long I'll stay?

The solitude of the beach in the early morning hours. It will get busy soon as the day warms up.

I could sit on the beach all day long...and just let it all soak in.

Good morning sun.

Good morning Pelicans flying along the waves.

It looks like it's going to be a glorious day! I probably should have told someone that I was leaving. I wonder if they'll notice that I'm gone....

....oh...what is that beep, beep, beeping sound? Ugh, I think that it's the alarm clock. I'm not in Florida after all, I was just dreaming. Florida was last year for Spring break. Sigh.....oh well.
Did I have you going for a minute? Happy April Fool's Day!

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