Saturday, May 3, 2014

Happy May!

After at least a solid week of rain...well maybe not, but it seems like it!...the sun is finally shining today.  Blue sky and soft clouds.  A nice change from the photo below!  Poor little cold and wet birds!

Last week I went to the Como Park Conservatory for a little touch of summer and some warmth.  The tulips there were past their prime, but the lilies were gorgeous!  Nothing like a large glassed room full of blooming flowers to make you feel like there is hope for spring!

I bought some lilies for at home, they smell nice, but don't pack quite the punch that a full room full of flowers does!  If I could afford a room full of flowers I could afford to get away for most of the winter and then I wouldn't need them.

Rainy days outside make taking a photo a day more of a challenge.  Fading daisies were all I could come up with this day.

The lilac buds aren't growing very fast...but at least they are growing.

My lilies are looking a little better!

I finally refilled the bird feeders, the cardinal is happy and dry for a nice change.

I was taking photos outside when Brian arrived home from his class, he was better looking than the leaf buds that I was trying to capture, so he became my photo of the day.  Hi Brian!

I'll end with tulips.  They are starting to grow in the garden, but are pretty far from blooming.  It's good to know that they are coming up though!

The sun is shining this Saturday morning, we are in town for the weekend for a I better get cracking.  It's looking like a good day to get some things done outside!  Have a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by!

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