Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Time.

I love the Christmas season, I really do...but I have to say that I always feel a sense of relief on Christmas night when we arrive safe and sound at home and unwrap our family gifts with just the boys.  So much to do, so much of it gets done at the last minute...but I guess that's just how it works out for me.  We've had a cold and snowy Holiday!  My pictures of the day are more about that than about our Christmas celebrations...but the cold was part of things too!  Enjoy.

The bunnies have been busy under the bird feeders, filling up on dropped sunflower seeds.  The cold and snow have made it harder for them to find food.  Good thing they are fluffy!

The cardinals are fluffy too!  This was taken on my day of cooking and preparing some food to bring to the celebrations.  I spend a bit of time gazing out the window wishing Santa's elves would stop by and help me out.  Didn't happen.

Christmas Eve morning was SO cold.  -15 degrees F.  The frost was beautiful on the antique windows at the farm house.  God has a spectacular paint brush!  I was wishing I had a macro lens to really catch the details.  Amazing stuff.

My ponies on Christmas morning.  Peaceful snow falling, the sun barely up...perfect start to a day that always gets so busy and so loud.  Wouldn't it be nice if there was a volume control at family functions?

The peaceful start made a big difference for me.  Be calm, carry on.  My boys appreciated their morning oats.  I appreciated my time with them.  Win, win.

And then it was time to come home again.  And gaze at the ponies on my tree, wishing my real ponies were closer.  And wonder how a few celebrations can create such a bunch of extra housework to do.  But the hugs, the smiles, the spending time with family, the notes of thanks...

...and most of all the laughter coming from downstairs...makes it all worth while.  I hope that your holidays were filled with love and family...and a speedy clean up when all was said and done!  Thanks for stopping by!

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