Wednesday, January 30, 2013

November into December

Still in catch up mode.  A picture of the flag on a windy day when I took Brian back to college.

Part of my Thanksgiving decorations.  I like to keep them out while the flowers are still nice, not quite ready to get into gear for Christmas quite yet.

The other end of my table....gotta love the Pilgrims!

Transitioning into Christmas.  I had the greens on my front step decorated with bronze ornaments...sort of Christmas decorations in Thanksgiving colors.

Next came the Christmas lights on our fence in the back yard.  Gotta take advantage of the warm weather!

The next decoration that went up were the lights on a bush in the front yard....shown with the Bronze ornament as the focus.

A quick trip to the farm.  Hello sweet boy.  He always comes running to see me...or to eat.  I'm pretending it's me that he loves and not the food.

Our house with lights.  Welcome home.

Christmas Amaryllis.

Getting the decorations up a little at a time.  The garland in the kitchen.  And now they're all boxed up and under the stairs again.  I miss the twinkling lights!

The holidays come and go so quickly....and then there is long, dark and cold January.  Sounds like a good time to catch up with blogging.  Tomorrow I'll catch up with the rest of December....which will put me in the current year anyway!  See you then. :-)

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