Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Finishing up 2013

2013 is coming to an end.  Sometimes it seems like we make too much fuss over the New Year arriving, but I do like the idea of the fresh start that comes with a new year.  I like feeling as though something is finally completed...even if it is just days on a calendar.  The five photos that follow are the end of my 365 photos project.  So many days I didn't want to bother....but I did it anyway.  A year in photos, completed!  I'm glad that I did.  If I hadn't, I don't know if I would have had this shot of a beautiful orchid blooming at the Arboretum.  Might not have brought my camera along.

I might not have taken an extra minute or two to notice the light on my Christmas tree.

Some days I only had my cell phone camera to get me through...but I'm glad that I did.  I wouldn't want to forget that I was at the last Vikings game at the Metrodome.  And they won!  Yay!!

The fluffy cardinal reminds me of how cold the last few days have been.  Dear Canada, please close the door...we don't need anymore of your frigid air!  It's 0 degrees as I type this.  I'm thinking about spring!  I hope we have one.

And last but not least, candle light and Christmas lights.  A peaceful end to the year.

My blogging has been spotty, I'm sorry for that.  I'll try harder to keep up, that's all I can do!  Thanks for continuing to stop by.  May your 2014 be filled with blessing and moments worth remembering!  Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Time.

I love the Christmas season, I really do...but I have to say that I always feel a sense of relief on Christmas night when we arrive safe and sound at home and unwrap our family gifts with just the boys.  So much to do, so much of it gets done at the last minute...but I guess that's just how it works out for me.  We've had a cold and snowy Holiday!  My pictures of the day are more about that than about our Christmas celebrations...but the cold was part of things too!  Enjoy.

The bunnies have been busy under the bird feeders, filling up on dropped sunflower seeds.  The cold and snow have made it harder for them to find food.  Good thing they are fluffy!

The cardinals are fluffy too!  This was taken on my day of cooking and preparing some food to bring to the celebrations.  I spend a bit of time gazing out the window wishing Santa's elves would stop by and help me out.  Didn't happen.

Christmas Eve morning was SO cold.  -15 degrees F.  The frost was beautiful on the antique windows at the farm house.  God has a spectacular paint brush!  I was wishing I had a macro lens to really catch the details.  Amazing stuff.

My ponies on Christmas morning.  Peaceful snow falling, the sun barely up...perfect start to a day that always gets so busy and so loud.  Wouldn't it be nice if there was a volume control at family functions?

The peaceful start made a big difference for me.  Be calm, carry on.  My boys appreciated their morning oats.  I appreciated my time with them.  Win, win.

And then it was time to come home again.  And gaze at the ponies on my tree, wishing my real ponies were closer.  And wonder how a few celebrations can create such a bunch of extra housework to do.  But the hugs, the smiles, the spending time with family, the notes of thanks...

...and most of all the laughter coming from downstairs...makes it all worth while.  I hope that your holidays were filled with love and family...and a speedy clean up when all was said and done!  Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Hustle and Bustle

I should be hustling and bustling to get some of the things checked off of my list for Christmas, but I'm doing this instead.  I'm starting to feel the stress.  Some Christmas things can't be done too far in advance.  If I did too many things ahead of time I'd feel like I'd have time to do more...so the feeling wouldn't change.  So for a break from the to do list, here are my photos from the last few days.

The suction cupped bird feeder on my office window has been a lot of fun.  Greta loves it.  If the birds can see her they are very brave, or too hungry to care.  The chickadees are the busiest birds that visit. 

The sweet finches visit too...this was taken out of my office window.  I love how this little beauty has one tiny talon on each bud of the lilac bush.

The paper whites are still going strong.  I think they might get their name from the casing at the base of the flowers.  Maybe not, but I'm going with that.

So many pretty lights this time of year.  I should just spend my day looking at the pretty lights and not worry about that dang "to do" list.  I just might.

If I spent my time looking at the lights I wouldn't have to worry about this giant beast that has invaded my Christmas Village.  Really?  That's the best place to take a nap?  She keeps me busy, that's for sure.

But that's ok, it's not like I have anything else to do this time of year.  Oye.  Time to tackle the list, and the kitten.  I hope you enjoyed this little break in your day.  I know I did!  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

40 Photos in 4 Days - Day Four

We're just zipping along into mere days before Christmas.  Yikes!  Short and sweet again today.

A fun wreath that I got for my front door at a Horse Crazy sale.  I added the bow, berries, ornaments and bells.  I like it a lot!

The Christmas village is up!  Rudolph and Clarisse have a spot on the hill over looking the village.

The paper whites are blooming.  They grew and bloomed crazy fast!  The are very fragrant, almost too strong, but so fun to have watched them grow.

One of the ponies in my horse ornament stable.

And another.

Paper whites again.

We had a birthday party at our house for Eric and Dawn...they share a birthday so we get to share the day!  It's always good incentive for me to get the darned decorating done!

I used some old goblets that had belonged to my grandma for the center piece flowers.  Simple but pretty.

And then a quick trip to the country on a -10 below day.  I think Czar is as tired of the cold as the rest of us. He likes to bask in the sun when it's out though.  Being a dark brown horse has it's perks.

A Christmas decoration that I made when I was a teenager.  Plastic bits carefully placed in the framework, then melted in the oven.  I had crinkled tin foil to set it on to give it a rustic look.  So simple, but fun to pull it out every year.

And with that we're caught up with the forty.  But since it took 5 days I'm still behind. That's how it goes around here.  Hope things are smoother in your neck of the woods!  Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

40 Photos in 4 Days - Day Three

I'm on schedule today!  We'll be into the December pictures before you know it!

A nuthatch on a tree in my yard.  How do they cling to everything?  And then turn upside down.  Too cute.

Thanksgiving day.  Billy and Greta relaxing after the big feast.  I think they like each other.

The day after Thanksgiving. Pilgrams on my table.  Always a day of rest for me.  I'm not a hit the mall for the sales kind of gal.  I'm a savor Thanksgiving as long as possible and think about Christmas later kind of gal.

A quick trip to the country on a Saturday.  These boys were enjoying their hay.  No time for petting, only time for eating.  We did a final mowing of my mom's front yard that day...one week later the snow and cold had moved in for good.  What a difference a week makes.

Beautiful giant star off of the highway on our way back from bringing Billy to college.  Not a bad shot for being taking from the car going 70 mph!  Happy December!

Paper whites about a week and a half after I planted them.  Growing fast!  The amarylis is taking it's sweet time.  I spelled amarylis right on my first attempt today...it's all about the little victories!

Some of the sunflowers from Thanksgiving...still pretty.

And then the snow came.  Brian out trying to catch Greta who got outside to see what all this white stuff is!

Gold finch probably thinking he should have flown South.

Christmas decorations on my fireplace mantle.  A few things go up every day.  The trick is keeping Greta from pulling them down before the next thing goes up.

And that's all for the day!  Thanks for stopping by. I hope that your presents are all purchased and wrapped and under your tree!  It's not happening that way here.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

40 Photos in 4 Days - Day Two

Just quick captions from these photos from November.

Greta is admiring the new bird feeding station that is right outside my kitchen window.  The window washer needs to be fired....but I guess they have to show up before you fire them!  Me. Can I fire myself?

The chickadee seems to like the new digs!

The squirrels are checking it out too.

Flowers on my table taken with my cell phone camera because it was less complicated than finding my real camera and taking a photo.  Pathetic.  My excuse is that the amount of daylight is so short this time of the year!

Same roses, different day, my real camera.  I like this one a little better.  :-)

My first born turned 21 in November...how in the heck did that happen.  I told him he was making it tough for me to claim that I am 29 now.  Well that and the fact that I am old.  Oh well.  He got a really cool new guitar for his birthday.  I think he's pleased!

A little crafty thing that I did for Thanksgiving...a little sweet treat for each place setting.

We took a family picture for my birthday.  Two attempts, everyone had their eyes open on both of them.  Win!  Wonder why I forgot to put the border around this one?  Senior moment no doubt.

Another little thing I made for Thanksgiving.  No wonder I wasn't getting my housework done!  Turkey cake pops.

An in-between decoration....works for Thanksgiving and for Christmas.  Outside on my front step.  The gap between Thanksgiving and Christmas is smaller this year.

Oh boy, another reason to be behind in things.  I get more done under pressure anyway.  Speaking of pressure...time to hit the mall to make another dent on my Christmas list.  Thanks for stopping by!