Sunday, January 8, 2012

A New Look for the New Year...and a Birthday

I've been planning on changing the look of my blog for a while now, but it has always been too low on the list of things to do for me to get it done.  I bumped it up on the list for the New Year.  Lighter and brighter, I think I like it.
We took a little trip to the farm yesterday to celebrate my mom's birthday a little bit early.  She's turning 80 on Monday.  Something to celebrate I'd say!  One of the first things I do when we get there is visit the horses.  This is a picture of Tish's wise eye.  She's one of the horses that is living on the farm for now.

 All of the horses had gotten into the cockle burs in the late fall.  I had brushed mine out earlier, but poor Tish had a mane and tail full of them.  I should have taken a before picture, but didn't think of it.  Eric came out when I was almost finished to see where in the world I had disappeared to.

 Little old Tish seemed to be happy for the attention and the beautifying treatment.

 Most of her mane laid flat after I got the burs out, but her forelock was a little wild, it was sticking out all over the place.  I think she was proud of her new punk look.

Maybe she's just smiling because it felt so good to get that mess out of her mane...and lots of attention to boot.

In the evening we went out to dinner with my mom to celebrate her day.  My brother, my mom and me at the Pizzaria.

 Eric's dad, Billy and Brian.

 Eric, his mom and his dad.

After supper we went to Eric's folks house to watch the end of the Lions vs Saints football game and have some ice cream.  I think my mom's favorite  part of the day was to be surrounded her boys.  I know that's the favorite part of most of my days!

Those days of being with both my boys are going to be fewer and further between again, we bring Brian back to college today.  I'm going to miss the fun and laughter that has been filling my house!  I'm grateful for the time we had over his winter break.  I hope your days are filled with people you love.  Thanks for stopping by!

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