Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Days Ahead

Something very strange happened last night. It had been a cold, damp and cloudy day....again. And then it was time to go to the baseball game....and something strange happened. You know what it was?? The SUN CAME OUT! Sunshine! Beautiful sunshine!

Sunshine with a forecast of warmer days ahead. Could it be? We've been waiting for summer to arrive for a long, long time.

The sun was out for a while today. It got all the way up to 75 degrees. Only 5 more degrees and it would have been an average June temperature! A forecast of 79 tomorrow...then 82...but they are throwing that darned chance of showers in there again.

But the extended forecast is calling for 80+ for next week. There's hope. That's good, because there are baseball games to be played, and softball games, and golf and the lawn needs mowing. And hammocks to swing in. It's summer in Minnesota, there's a lot to fit in.

I'm so glad that it's finally here! I hope that the weather is fine where you are. Thanks for stopping by!

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