Saturday, May 28, 2011

Finally May

It's almost June and my Blog is just hitting May. Yep, I am still trying to catch up. This picture was taken on May 1st, can you believe how stark it is?

While we were longing for warmer days, the whole family ended up with the stomach flu. First one, then the other, then all of us. It was spread out, so it wasn't food poisoning from my cooking! It hit us all a little differently, and we were all thankful that it didn't last for very long.
But it sure made me want to disinfect the whole house!

Billy recovered in time to play baseball...of course.

We recovered enough to play softball, and were treated to the most beautiful sunset over the softball field. I probably should have paid more attention to the game than the sunset...but it sure was pretty....and the camera was locked away in the car. Rats.

I took a quick trip to the farm to check on my horse, he had a nasty gash on his leg. A vet tech came and flushed it out, he got some antibiotics...and then it was wait and see. Since it's a month later I'll just say that he has healed up just fine. There is nothing like a sick child or sick animal to make a person feel truly helpless.

On a lighter note, my mom's daffodil's were blooming. Isn't this one cheery and yellow?

Another light was finally warm, almost 70, and it was the first night of golf league. I hadn't played in a long time, I hadn't practiced, and I started out with a pretty good round. It makes me want to golf again.

Baseball. Again. Carrying his gear, including the catcher gear after the game with our friend Bob. They are having a good season.

My mom called me to let me know that the horses went thundering past her house...I guess Skylar's leg is feeling better. Tail up in the air running is a good sign!

The birds have been chirping like crazy for the last few days. This yellow warbler was busy, busy, busy hopping around in my maple tree. I hadn't seen one before, isn't he cute?

My work has been busier than normal, which is great, but I'm trying to get things ready for Brian's graduation party and am feeling very overwhelmed. Some days I just have to focus on checking things off my list.

If I wasn't watching baseball all of the time I might actually be able to get something done. The season is short though, and this time of our lives goes so quickly...I wouldn't want to miss it and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Look...spring is almost here! Colorful tulips in the neighbors front yard!

Taking time to enjoy the tulips, in spite of a "to do" list that is starting to scare me. :-)

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