Thursday, June 3, 2010

Catching up with Pictures

It's Thursday already? Where has this week gone? I love long weekends, but I usually get mixed up about what day it is the week after. Like now. Today's post will mostly be a quick catch-up with pictures. In other words, random.

Eric and I are working on a project at our house. The end is in sight! When it's done I'll do a post and show you what it is. Here's Eric hard at work.

Warm days and all this work outside make Molly really tired. Me too.

The weather is so nice, it calls for meals from the grill....steak kabobs on a Friday night....yum.

We worked on our project most of the day on Saturday, and then headed to spend some time with our family at the farm and the cabin. This pretty rose was just one of a huge bush of wild roses outside of the church.

On the other side of the road was a patch of phlox. I was taking pictures of the flowers when one of the men from church came out and said I needed to be in the picture too....he took a couple of just me and then Eric hopped in too. I like it!

After a sort of rainy Sunday at the cabin, my mom and I went to the cemetery to put a planter of flowers on my dad's grave. He must have liked them, we were treated to a beautiful rainbow a few minutes after we were finished. It was there for quite a while, we drove up to the farm and I took a picture of it there...just a few minutes before sunset.

Speaking of sunset, that was spectacular too. This was taken near my brothers house. We don't get to see many sunsets packed into the suburbs like we are.

Someday I'll live in a place where I can see the sunset....or the sunrise...I'm not fussy. :-)

We went to the Memorial Day Service at the little cemetery in town. It's always the same, and there is something so wonderful about that. One thing that does change is that the list of the dead gets longer every year. Freedom truly isn't free.

They didn't read my dad's name this year as serving for the Korean war as they had last year...I guess that leaving the hospital with a bad back to be drafted and then serving until the medical discharge came through doesn't count. One of my dad's jobs while in the service was to sterilize the medical instruments...including the rubber gloves which were reused. Change can be a very good thing.

We enjoyed some beautiful weather on Monday. This rose is blooming at my mom's place...along and through the fence. I love the beauty of the rose contrasted with the rough post and the rustic wire. Shabby Chic in nature.

We returned home on Monday evening. Tuesday it was nice, then it rained. Here are some raindrops on a bell flower in my garden....

...and a close-up.

And I'll end with a petunia in my backyard. I have a few more flowers to has to be this week or forget it. Our back yard project is calling my name right now though....
....more rain is on it's way for this evening so I better get a move on. It's feeling like summer around here...hope it is for you too!

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