Co-ed softball Monday night...a girl on the other team hits the ball to our shortstop...he bobbles it, he makes a wild throw to me at first, I tried but couldn't get close to it, the girl had already run past the base, I said "look out", she looked up instead of covering her head....and got hit just above the eyebrow with the ball. Ouch. She was a sweet young thing....and there was a lot of drama involved when she saw blood. Maybe she didn't know that eyebrows bleed a lot. She had her team call 911. Two cop cars, finally an ambulance....drama.
On Tuesday in women's softball, my friend Kris was catching....the throw came in from the outfield and she dove forward to make the tag and skun her knee. Lots of dust and dirt, she got the gal out, no drama. Then she wrote on facebook that all was well...until her dog decided to lick her wound clean in the night while she was sleeping! Ouch!
Then on Wednesday night at Billy's baseball game....the boy was pitching....
...pitching pretty well....and then I don't remember exactly what happened....
....I think it was a passed ball, or a wild pitch.....there was a runner on third, when the ball got away from the catcher he headed for home....
...Billy came in to cover the plate...
...Billy caught the ball, sort of fell onto the plate while the runner came sliding in....
....and the umpire strategically was in the way so you can't see Billy taking the full force of the slide with the other boys metal cleat going directly into his knee cap.
He hung onto the ball, the boy was out...and Billy was out of the game with a bloody knee.
He wanted to stay to support his team, so we did...but after the game we took a little trip to Urgent Care where they did an X-ray or 4, cleaned the wound and determined that there was too much skin missing to stitch it. Ouch. He's pretty stiff and sore today, he'll miss tonight's game....but play-offs start tomorrow...I have a feeling he'll be feeling much better by then.
3 games, 3 bleeders...I think I'll stay home tonight.
On another note...I know that sports are risky, I know that accidents happen....but for the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would think that metal cleats are a good idea for baseball players....especially kids. It makes me really want to raise a stink....but somehow, I don't think I'd get very far with the good ole' boys of the baseball world and I don't think I'm up for that battle....which doesn't say very much for my character does it? What a whimp.