Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Baseball Scrimmage

Billy's baseball team had their first scrimmage on Sunday. There are three 14 year old travel teams in Eden Prairie. One double A team and two A's. The two A teams played each other in a friendly practice game. Last year about half of each team was on the other team...did you follow that? Through the last few years most of the kids have been on the same team at one point or another. The kids seem to adjust pretty well, the parents seem to be confused....but they'll adjust eventually too. :-) The boys got to play in the brand new Eden Prairie stadium. This is the first year that they are playing on a regulation size field. It looked really big to me! Playing in the stadium was pretty cool.

Billy played half of the game at catcher.

It's a tough position, he wasn't thrilled about it at first, but I think he's getting used to the idea.

This is the dugout. Parents are not allowed in the dugout. You can see that things are pretty serious in there. Lots of baseball thoughts happening no doubt.

The catcher seemed to be having some serious thoughts too.

I take an insane amount of pictures at baseball games. I'll try to spare you from them this summer. Maybe....no promises. Here's Billy batting.

Here's Billy on base with clean pants.

Here's Billy diving back to base with pants that aren't clean anymore. Sigh. Baseball means a lot of laundry.

Here's that serious dugout again. Hmm...maybe the chatter has gotten away from baseball. No wonder we aren't allowed in there.

Billy got to play first for part of the game. He likes first.....I think he likes it because I play first on my softball team....he wants to be just like mom. OR NOT!

They had their first game of the season last night and he got his ankle stomped on while playing first....that wasn't good. I won't even go into my thoughts on kids that age wearing metal spikes...I'll just say that I'm glad it wasn't worse than it was....and that I wasn't there when it happened.
Here's a view of the stadium from the outfield. There weren't many fans in the stands, but the boys didn't care. They just liked playing there.
The competition from the game fell by the wayside with the last pitch, and the boys were all buddies again. Some of the parents supplied hot dogs after the game....that never hurts!

Warm sunshine, green grass, boys and baseball.

A pretty nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

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