Sunday, February 3, 2013

January Part Two

January part two of my photos of the day.  Trying to get it done before the games.  Two basketball games for Billy, and then the big super bowl game after that.  Fun day ahead!

I'm designing the button for a local festival, it's my 5th year.  The last few years I've taken photos for the button.  It's the raspberry it's a picture of raspberries of course.  This one didn't get used in the design, but I liked it just on it's own.  Yum.

I took a quick trip to the Como Park Zoo on a warm January day.  The temps were supposed to plummet following that day, so it seemed like a good time to go.  Everyone else seemed to think so too.  It was crowded!  The warm day (35 degrees F) made the polar bear very sleepy.  I took this shot of his huge paws through a very thick layer of glass.  I like it.  I'm calling it bear foot. :-)

 The weather turned as cold as they predicted, it was a good day to be inside with the cat.  She gets to sleep a lot more than the rest of us.  Maybe she's awake all would we know?

Sunday hoops.  Tough to get the boy, his arms, and the ball all in the same shot.

Someone didn't like me opening the door to let the dog out.  "You lookin' at me squirrel?"

 More hoops...a free throw.  I think he made this one!

I had the hankering for chocolate chip I made some...and took a picture with my cell phone.  I put nuts in 3 of them...because I'm the only one that will eat nuts.  And then I was only really tempted to eat three...for breakfast that is.  Cookies and coffee...counts as breakfast to me!

I was missing the early years with the boys on this day, this sculpture reminds me of those special times.  They were awfully cute. :-)

Eric and I had a date night, we went and saw Mary Jane Alm at the Chanhassen Dinner theater.   The service there was took over 45 minutes to just place our dinner order....thought we were going to miss the show.  The show made up for it though, it ended up being a really fun night.  And extra fun to watch someone that we know a little bit.  Wish I had brought my real camera.

We took a quick trip to the farm for a bonfire and wiener roast.  It was COLD...but not too bad out of the wind and by the fire.  My dad used to love a wiener my brother is carrying on the tradition and had one for his sweet granddaughter, my niece Avery.  I think she liked it!  

Back home for a basketball game.  I think our weekends will be looking very different after Billy graduates.

 Tulips in my kitchen...trying to bring a feeling of spring into the house.

I moved the tulips into the living room for different light.  These have fine little ridges running through the petals...very pretty in person.

My pictures seem to be of Billy playing sports, flowers, and the cat.  I need a new hobby...

...or really need to get out more.  Maybe when it warms up a bit.  The forecast says that the 30's are coming next week.  It gives me hope that we just might survive the winter after all!

I hope that Spring is just around the corner for you too!  Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, February 1, 2013

January Part One

 Happy New Year!  A month late.  But we are getting closer.  Here are my buddies on January 1st.  It's been a cold winter.

I took this photo on a frosty morning from my office window.  The cardinals were sitting in the tree, all fluffed up eating red berries.

Our tree stayed up longer than I like, but I was enjoying the little twinkling lights in the house.  January days are short and dark in Minnesota!

This is one of my favorite Christmas decorations.  It was given to us by Eric's mom for Christmas when were were first married.  That would probably mean that it is an antique now!  I wish I was kidding.  :-S

My hay buddy on a quick trip to the farm.

Billy is keeping busy with basketball this winter.  Somehow he looks really tall to me when he's just sitting.  I think it's those long legs.

The  life of a house cat...sleeping, eating, bugging your humans, napping, eating and then sleeping again.

 Hoops again.  I think that the boy in black is at the top of his vertical jump...and crashing into my little boy.  Basketball gets rough.  Honestly, it's on of my least favorite sports to watch.  But I do.  And then snicker at the parents that go crazy with their yelling.  Really??  It's just in-house basketball.  Yikes.

I was waiting for a warm day to remove the decorations from on the front step. This day the sun was hitting the glitter and things were really sparkling.  I couldn't quite capture it, but I tried.  Some days it's all about trying.

Wheel barrow sculptures / planters in my back yard.  They were here when we bought the house, but I like them a lot!  Waiting for spring and some flowers.

It finally warmed up for a few days here...and rained and rained.  We needed the moisture, but would have rather had snow.  Rain + freezing = ice every where.

The boys had to walk slowly in their pasture, I should have gotten them some Yaktrax!  Too bad they are only for humans.

The middle of January meant bringing Brian back to college.  I caught this hazy sunset as we were driving down the road.  A 70 mph sunset.  I like it!  I don't like bringing Brian back to school...just when I was getting used to him being home again!

Sometimes the day slips away and the best thing to take a photo of is the moon....big or small the moon is pretty cool.

Last but not least, here's a small sample of Brian's Root Beer bottle collection.  The boy sure likes his root beer!  The bottles are fun.  Who knew there were so many kinds of root beer!

And with that, we are halfway through January.  I'm thinking that by tomorrow we'll be all caught up...just in time to be behind in February.  This everyday stuff is tough!  Hope it is warm where you are, we had a low of -13 with a windchill of -33 degrees this morning.  Makes a person want to stay in the nice warm bed!  No wonder I'm behind in everything.  Thanks for stopping by.  See you tomorrow!