Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy November!

Happy November!  How did it get to be November already?  My lack of blogging is due to not wanting to take the time to relearn how to use the blogger software that keeps changing.  Changes and new features are great, but it all takes time to figure it out again. Sigh. They are trying to teach old dogs new tricks...speaking of old dogs...here is Penny.

One of Penny's favorite things is to roll around in the grass outside.  That means leaves and grass get brought inside....which means extra sweeping and vacuuming. Which means less time to blog.  It's the dogs fault!  Everyone needs a dog to blame for things. 

We hung the bird feeders again.  We usually keep them filled all summer, but sort of slipped up on that this year.  The chickadee's were the first to find the seeds.

My old cell phone decided that I needed to get a new one when it stopped turning on.  I hate spending money replacing things that I already own, but sometimes there isn't much choice.  The good news is that the new phone has a nice camera built in.  I tested it with a picture looking out Billy's bedroom window.  Our colorful tree has since lost it's leaves.

Eric and I went to a Halloween party.  He dressed like a 1980's football stud, complete with a mullet.

I went as his cheerleader girlfriend.  Go team!  I told Billy that we were going to wear our costumes to his football game, he wasn't amused.  Teenagers.

Speaking of football, Billy's team is in the playoffs.  The first round they had a bye, second round they won...which means that they got to play in a third round game...you'll have to read on to see how that went.  This picture is of the 2nd string offense getting ready to go into the game.  Billy is # 89.

We took a quick Sunday drive to the farm, we didn't expect it to be raining!  It's still so dry there it was nice to see the rain.  Raindrops on oak leaves.  I love the colors.

Halloween on a Monday night didn't seem to slow down the trick or treaters very much, we had 115 kids stop by for candy.  I should have carved a scarier pumpkin...maybe we wouldn't have had so many kids stopping by!

I took a quick picture of one of my few Halloween decorations before putting it away...cute little witch!

Having a daisy blooming in my garden on November 2nd seemed worthy of a picture.  Hello daisy!

I volunteered to take photos at the football game last week, I don't really have a good lens for night time sports photos, so I rented one again.  This one came in the mail....a 100mm to 400mm Canon.  It wasn't quite fast enough, but it was better than what I have and I wanted to try it out.  I took a shot of a tree in our backyard through the window when the lens arrived...just to get a feel for the lens.  I like it!

I took a lot of photos at the game...and was pretty happy with how they turned out.  One of my favorites ended up being this one...the defense in between plays.  Intense defense.  They battled and ended up winning the game 6 to 3.  A touchdown with a missed extra point vs. a field goal.  Round 4 here we come!

I had to rent the lens for 4 days, I tested it out on a little bird outside my office window.  Hello chickadee!

I took it to the farm too.  Hello Czar.  The horses were hanging out near the barn, staying clear of the crazy deer hunters and all the shooting going on.

I used the lens to take this picture of some pretty little crab apples at the farm too.

Brian was home from college for the weekend, it's always so good to see him!

And last but not least, a female cardinal on a gray afternoon.  I'm so happy that the birds have returned...I think that they're happy that the food is back!

Wishing you a Happy November....thanks for stopping by!