See this big mess on my kitchen table? It's just me getting crafty. It's not too unusual for me to have some sort of project in progress somewhere...this one just ended up on my kitchen table. For a while anyway.
What in the world am I making?? Baby shower invitations! My niece Stephanie is going to have a baby....and we, her aunts, are having a shower for her. Which also means that my brother is going to be a grandpa...and all I can say about that is better him than me!! Back to the shower. One of my jobs was to make the invitations. No sweat, I love stuff like that. But for this blank. Such a total blank that panic started to set in. Oh dear. So I looked on-line and got a few vague ideas. Then I went to the craft store to look around. Something
always jumps out at me. Nothing did. Double oh dear. I wandered around for almost an hour...nothing. So I did what I always do when I'm drawing a blank...I gave it up to God. That
always works. But not this time. I was really feeling in trouble here...and then I said to myself, God must be busy working on real you help me? Yep, I pray
and I talk to my dad in heaven and it helps me....which is more than I usually share on this old blog....but that's what I do. My dad always made me feel like I could do anything I tried to do...and I think he really believed that I could. What a gift to give your child. Anyway, as soon as I gave it up to God
and to my dad the ideas quickly started coming.
One of the things I debated about was doing the invitations by hand or on the computer. The light bulb came on and I decided that I could do a little of each! I drew up all the parts on my computer. I printed parts of the outside of the cards along with an outline of where I was going to glue some cut out shapes.
I printed a template and then cut out umbrellas from scrapbook paper. 34 dotted umbrellas.
Again, after printing a template, I cut out 34 pregnant silhouettes. I talked Eric into tracing some of them for me. I used an
exacto knife to cut out the arm holes, a scissors to do the rest. 34 times.
They looked a little plain, so I tied on some ribbon and attached them with little flower shaped know...the kind that have the two flat pieces of metal on the back that you spread out to keep them in place.
34 ribbons, 34 little tacks. Again, I asked Eric to help tie the ribbons. You see, Eric won a square knot tying contest when he was in cub I said....hey knot tying champion, want to help? He said yes...I said yeah!!
Then I used these little "bridal confetti" flowers to add a little more dimension.
Aren't they cool? I think we'll use the extras on the tables at the shower.
They are
sparkly too!
Here is the front with all of the pieces glued on. Oh's a shower!
Then I had to fold the cards. The umbrella folded towards the back.
This is the inside of the card. I had scanned the paper that I used for the umbrella's and used it for a border. I revised some
clipart to put baby clothes on the line. They aren't finding out the sex of their baby before hand, so I used lots of colors. I printed the inside of the cards while they were still flat, before I had glued the stuff on the front and folded them.
The shower is going to be in a church basement, so I made maps to the church.
Here is the inside and the outside. I'm really happy with how they turned out.
I'm not sure why I drew such a blank on this one. I think that it was because I wanted it to be extra special for my niece. She's young and hip and her friends are young and hip so I wanted to do something young and fun that she would like and wouldn't be
embarrassed by. I hope that she likes them. I do! And once I got started I had a lot of fun doing them. Cutting and pasting and making a mess, it's what I do. And Oh brother is going to be a grandpa! :-)